Monday, August 4, 2008

Hormonal acne natural treatment and how to treat acne on your back

Acne is a type of condition that happens because of an overproduction of oil from the oil producing glands in the skin. This production of oil is typically not out of the ordinary and assists in helping to lubricate the skin yet when it becomes excessive it can end up in your pores becoming clogged and the result is what we know as pimples. Nodules or cysts might also materialize, and what these are is deeper types of pimples within the skin that are longer lasting and frequently even last for an individuals whole life.
Lifestyle : I was so crazy about my situation that I changed my lifestyle completely. If I thought anything would cause acne in me, I avoided like plague. I kept my weight and diet in check. With all the precautions, I noticed that I couldn't get rid of them completely, but my face was LOT better. Though some people tends to get crazy outburst of acne and for longer period of time, so they might need some medication but I still tell them to avoid using any kind of chemical on their faces.
Some other acne alternative treatments may include homeopathy, ayurvedic treatment, aromatherapy, acupressure, reflexology, and yoga.
tags: grapes bad for acne, causes cystic acne, have more acne on one side of my face

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