Thursday, July 3, 2008

Homemade medicine on how to rid of acne and acne scar fraxel laser treatment cost

Whether your acne is mild or severe, you may be able to control your pimples with simple steps that you can take at home. This is obviously the least expensive and most desirable way to handle acne. Treating your acne yourself requires some basic steps that are necessary no matter what. You can also use some natural remedies that you can put together with your own ingredients.
One of the primary skin care tips that numerous people miss is getting enough sleep each night. The majority of people have a difficult time getting the right amount of rest, yet getting at least 7 hours of sleep can assist the skin in renewing itself and dealing with 'distress' which decreases as well as heals blemishes. Getting enough rest is one of the best skin care regimens that a person can do, so in addition to keeping hydrated, get enough sleep whenever you are able.
Using garlic and mint juice is also believed to cure acne, and even the lesions and scars it leaves. These, however, must be applied gently and moderately.
tags: causes of pimples acne, which acne treatment is the best, what to eat acne diet

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